Oregon Bay Area Beautification

2nd Saturday Cleanups

OBAB 2nd Saturday Cleanup Pittum Loop North Bend Oregon January 2023

Join our 2nd Saturday Cleanups throughout the year at various parks and sites in the Coos Bay and North Bend area.

WE NEED YOU - Join our Board! We also have openings on our planning committee and can always use a hand with sign-ins. Contact us for details.

We have projects for every comfort level. These projects are also family friendly as we try to create multiple projects so everyone can come to help. Volunteers are welcome to help with light duties such sign-ins, taking photos, small litter pickup, painting, and invasive plant removal. We also have projects that require a lot of muscle and effort like weed-eating, brush trimming, and areas of large trash accumulations. Come for just a few minutes to the full two hours - many hands make light work!


OBAB 2nd Saturday Cleanup

January 11, 2025

Millicoma Marsh Trail

Behind Millicoma Elementary School at the track, 4th Avenue, Eastside - Coos Bay

Come spend a couple of hours with the Oregon Bay Area Beautification (OBAB) group to help beautify the Millicoma Marsh Trail, in Coos Bay.

The 2nd Saturday cleanup will be on Saturday, January 11, 2025. Volunteers will meet at the Millicoma Track behind Millicoma Elementary School, 4th Avenue, in Eastside - Coos Bay. The clean up effort is from 1pm-3pm, with sign-ins starting at 12:45pm. Clean up focus will be invasive plant removal, trail maintenance. More details to come. Please dress appropriately for working outdoors. Bring, work gloves, cutting tools for shrubbery, and water.

This is a kids and family friendly event. Youth under 18 need to have a release form signed by parent/guardian. Kids 14 and under will need adult supervision. Contact OBAB for details.

Join OBAB for Community Cleanups every 2nd Saturday starting from January-October in 2025. Visit 4obab.org to see the full schedule and updates. Message us on Facebook, or email volunteer@4obab.org for more info.